Todd, or Snags, as he is more affectionately known by his colleagues, is a Controls/Software Engineer with Automated Solutions Australia (ASA). Todd earned the nickname Snags at the ripe old …

Industrial Robots Boosting Manufacturing Growth
Industrial Robots Boosting Manufacturing Growth in 2022 The 20’s thus far have been dominated by the coronavirus pandemic, which has wreaked havoc on world economies and ushered in a period …

Robot in Focus – iD Series
Robot in Focus the iD series Fanuc’s range of M10ia series robots and M20ia robots have recently been replaced by iD series robots. As many of our customers know, the …

SQP Engineering, Western Australia
About the project SQP Engineering is a highly regarded supplier of precision machined products in Bibra Lake, WA. SQP boasts a team of highly talented and experienced tradesmen led by …

Meet the ASA Team – Joel Esposito, Paint Process Engineer
Joel won the internal “Top Gun” award this Summer for his efforts to go over and above in his workplace performance, measured across the 2018 calendar year. His success is …

Not just a lot of hot air! Why robotic grit blasting can generate big savings and more….
Robotising applications are synonymous with improved productivity and efficiency, but what does that really mean if you’re in the surface preparation and shot peening industry? It’s not unusual to hear …

What makes a Painting Robot Safe?
The Concept of Intrinsic Safety & Purge Systems on Automation Flexible automation offers a fast and accurate means of performing repetitious tasks in the manufacturing sector, often under extreme conditions. …

FANUC M710iC Robot Series
FANUC’s M710iC series robot is one of ASA’s preferred choice of robot to install when moving medium payloads (payload range: 12 to 70kgs). The small footprint, slim wrist and versatile …

Client Case Study – Brenco Surface Engineering, Victoria
Located in Victoria, Brenco Surface Engineering is a global provider of surface coating and engineering processes. Their Aerospace division provides sustainment for defence and commercial aircraft operations including coatings for …

Meet the ASA Team – Ben Illman, Controls and Process Engineer
Ben studied for four years at Adelaide’s Flinders University, undertaking a Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics) and graduating with Honours, where his focus of studies was on control system design and …