Automated Solutions Australia (ASA) is a full-service automation company dedicated to helping out customers achieve their full potential through automation.

ASA is Globally Engaged | Automation Companies in Australia
ASA works with systems from all over the world. Thus through our association with FANUC, our industrial engineers have worked with manufacturers throughout Australia and the globe. As a result, we have a broad knowledge base and experience base within the industrial automation space. This includes varying standards, local best practice, and coordination with various contractors and other organisations. As a globally engaged automation company, we understand different markets have different needs. We are well-placed to work within different spaces. We have strong global connections and can bring this expertise to your project. Our global advantage allows you to take advantage of a broader range of products and custom solutions, as well as the potential for integration with existing systems.
How ASA Can Develop Your Potential | Automation Companies in Australia
Many industries can benefit from automation, and ASA is here to help you achieve the benefits. We are an automation company in Australia providing robotic solutions for material handling, machine tending, industrial processing, and more. Our robots and their systems can increase productivity for you through faster processing and greater control. Therefore efficiency can be increased by reducing waste. Additionally, safety can be increased by taking away the element of human error from critical steps. Reliability is another big advantage of our solutions, with our robots and industrial grade systems validated for life times, well in excess of most product cycles. As a local automation company in Australia, we can work with you to determine the best solution for your specific situation and needs. We then work with you throughought the lifespan of the installed solution, via technical support and maintenance. If you are looking for automation companies in Australia, ASA is are your go to experts.
Talk to ASA About Our Services | Full Spectrum Automation Companies in Australia
When it comes to automation companies in Australia, not all are created equal! ASA is a full spectrum automation company in Australia, with a broad base of expertise through all areas of robotic automation integration. Whether it be project management, installation PLC or process engineering, mechanical design,or software. We have experienced and skilled staff ready to work with you to achieve your goals. We are a local automation company with global experience. Get in touch today to see how we can help you.

Click an Application to Explore Further:
FANUC Robots Australia | Paint Robots for Surface Finishing | Welding Robots by FANUC | Machine Tool Tending Robots | Fibreglass and Gelcoat Robots | Palletising Robots | Robotic Vision Inspection Systems | Plastics Painting | Materials Handling Solutions | Deburring and Polishing | Sealing and Dispensing | Picking and Packaging | Material Removal Robots | Shot Blasting and Peening |
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Deburring Machines | Robots a Historical Overview | Robotics Engineering | Automatic Paint | Robotic Loading Systems for CNC | Unlocking Your Manufacturing Potential | Spray Painting Robots | Automatic Sandblasting | CNC Mills | Automated Welding | Unlock the Future with Automation Systems | Robot Company, The Automation Era | Choosing an Automation Company | Harness the Power of Robotics with ASA | Robotic Painting | Automotive Welding | The Path to Machine Tool Automation | System Integrator Australia | Robotic Welders | Automate your CNC | Automation Company | Electrical Design | Human Machine Interface | Plastic Paint Robots | PLC Programming | Robotics Australia | Materials Handling Solutions | Industrial/Manufacturing Robots | Industrial Engineering | FANUC Robot | Shot Blasting | Robotic Automation Solutions | Industrial Automation | FANUC Industrial Robots | FANUC Collaborative Robots | FANUC Palletising Robots | Robotic Palletisers | Robotic Fibreglass Spray Machines | CNC Machine Automation | Robotic Arm – An Industry Guide | The Cobot | Automation Robotics | Custom Automation Solutions | Assembly Robots | Automate your Paint Booth | Ceramic Coating – Cerakote | Automotive Automation | Pick and Place Robots | Understanding Industrial Automation | PLC Automation | Arc V Spot Welding | What is Cerakote? | CNC Machines Australia | What is a Robotic Cell | Robotics Systems with ASA |